Constant machine performance monitoring means peace of mind 24/7


Maintaining optimum IT system performance means quickly solving immediate problems, forestalling potential ones and planning for the future when it comes to software upgrades or hardware replacement. It also means having in place strong and always up-to-date anti-virus software, because once a malicious cyber campaign is launched, it can be very difficult to stop it after it finds a way through an endpoint or entry point, via a network or in the cloud.

Complete Endpoint Management provided by Vezo Networks will give you all the tools you need to:

  • Ensure that your devices are running as they should be with application monitoring, automatic restarting of services when they stop and automatic alerts direct to the Vezo Networks team when problems occur. For example, if your anti-virus software is no longer up to date, we will call you.

  • Receive alerts when a user has installed new software or replaced hardware.

  • Plan for the future and budget for PC and laptop upgrades or replacements.

  • Constantly monitor system performance, letting you and us know which devices need attention. (Processor utilisation, RAM usage and disk space are just some of the indicators we’d be looking at.)

  • Use the cloud engine to externally monitor all aspects of your Internet-facing infrastructure – perfect for application servers, websites and internet up-time.

What’s more, Complete Endpoint Management allows for the tracking of software with licensing reports, making sure that your business always stays compliant and legal.


Automated patch management for both Microsoft and common applications, including Adobe, Chrome, Java …

Patch management is now considered as important as anti-virus and anti-malware software, making a comprehensive patch management approach for all your applications a must-have.

Vezo Networks will:

  • customise your patching schedule to minimise user interference, and to ensure that you never miss an update thanks to your built-in patching engine.

  • postpone the deployment of patches that have been released and subsequently reported to create problems, such as the Windows 10 patch that caused a black screen start-up issue.


Leverage our robust reporting framework to run executive summaries, asset inventory, connection reports, and more.

Below are examples of reports generated that we think you’d like (all of which can be automated and delivered on a schedule):

  • Executive summary report to get a high-level overview of your IT organisation’s health

  • Report on devices that generated the most alerts

  • Asset summary of workstations, servers, and network devices

  • Netflow traffic reports

  • Connection reports for remote support activity

  • Patch compliance reports


As well as providing you with a range of additional features and benefits, Background Management will enable us to reduce the impact on your users when providing support – something we are always looking to do.

Here is just some of the powerful tools we’ll be leveraging for you:

  • Install and uninstall software

  • Stop running processes

  • Start, stop, and restart Windows services

  • Remote command line

  • Execute custom scripts

  • Force a disk error check

  • Delete temporary files, freeing up system resource

Unquestionably, Background Management can be immensely beneficial for both us and you, allowing us to perform remediation actions without user interruption.

Endpoint security – the frontline in cybersecurity

If you think that your system might be vulnerable, then there’s no time to lose. Take a crucial step towards safeguarding your business by having Vezo Networks get you quickly set up with Complete Endpoint Management. With that in place you can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that you’ve been smart, wisely investing in an impenetrable defence for your enterprise network against sophisticated malware and evolving threats. You can also look forward to spending less time managing your RMM.

Before we help you set about transforming your IT management with Complete Endpoint Management, just one last thing…

Contact our support today to find out how we can help you.

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