Preserve and make searchable all of your emails

Email archiving is becoming an integral component of countless businesses’ IT security strategy. Save and protect your data by taking advantage of an email archiving solution provided by Vezo Networks. Long-term archiving of email messages is proven as a reliable and convenient way to store valuable information, and to search through messages quickly. Think what an advantage that would be to your business when the pressure’s intense and you need to find a message urgently.

At last. An email archiving solution you can totally depend upon

Having emails filed away in an order that makes sense can only aid your daily workflow. It could also be the difference between winning or losing in a court of law where everything hinges upon you producing electronically sent or received communications that are date-stamped.

Other key benefits include

  • Smooth functioning

  • Improved staff performance and productivity

  • Almost effortless retrieval of data, at any time

  • Data loss protection

  • Regulatory compliance

  • Independence from a mail server (which may ‘go down’ occasionally)

  • Speed (no more time wasted in the laboured restoration of lost emails)

  • Attachments super-easy to find, and that includes invoices, contracts, NDAs and other important documents

  • No more Mailbox Full messages to deal with. Ever. Phew.

This year, and in the years to come, the volume of your received and sent emails is bound to increase. After all, who sends letters, faxes (or carrier pigeons!) these days? Rise to the challenge of email management, and always be ‘email ready’ by having Vezo Networks provide you with an email archiving solution specifically tailored towards your business.

Contact our support today to find out how we can help you.

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